It seems we’re long past the days when impeccable posture was considered as essential as impeccable table manners. So it’s likely that you’ve developed some bad habits over the years when it comes to your posture. Your health may be suffering as a result. 

The good news is that bad posture is fixable, especially with the help of an expert. At Premier Health Chiropractic & Wellness in Dallas, Texas, we have that expert. Dr. H. Khayal specializes in postural restoration, and he’s confident that improved posture can change your life. 

Why do you have bad posture?

Posture goes beyond standing and sitting up straight. To have good posture, your muscles need to work together to hold your entire skeleton in alignment — when you’re moving and when you’re still. 

Posture impacts your whole skeletal structure, but it can hit your neck and back the hardest. You might struggle with posture due to an injury or genetic problem. Sometimes, it’s the simple force of gravity that causes your head and shoulders to slump. Other sources of bad posture include:

  • Muscle tension 
  • Muscle weakness
  • Bad habits
  • Overuse of technology
  • Stress
  • Choice of footwear

No matter where your bad posture originates, Dr. Khayal can help you correct it. 

What are the benefits of better posture?

A surprising number of health benefits come with improving your posture. Here are just a few:

Less pain

This should be a no-brainer. From top to bottom, you feel less pain when you find better alignment. As you stand (or sit) now, your joints, muscles, and bones are working overtime to hold your body in an unnatural position, causing pain and tension. 

With improved posture, your body can rest comfortable in its correct position, reducing aches and pains. The result is fewer headaches and a reduction in low back pain, tension in your shoulders and neck, and even jaw pain. 

Increased energy

Bad posture leads to inefficient use of your muscles, which are tasked with holding your body in an abnormal alignment. Fix your posture and your muscles have more time to help you get through the day. 

Injury prevention

Once you address your posture problems, your joints feel the relief almost instantly. Your new and improved stance decreases the amount of wear-and-tear on your joints, lowering your risk of injury and other problems. 

Improved circulation and digestion

Slouching compresses your internal organs, such as your intestines, lungs, and blood vessels. Standing and sitting properly allow your insides the room they need to function optimally. 

Better athletic performance

With your body in stable alignment, you should notice your strength, especially your core strength, improve and your workouts become more efficient. 

More confidence

If you’ve ever been told to hold your head high, there’s a reason. People equate holding their head high with confidence and perseverance. With good posture, the simple act of looking confident can also make you feel confident, and those around you notice. 

Not to mention, when you stop slouching, you may just add an inch or two to your height, which can also make you seem more attractive and assertive. 

How can you fix your posture?

You can try to remind yourself throughout the day to straighten up, but there’s no substitute for expert advice from Dr. Khayal on postural restoration. 

He first conducts a thorough evaluation that includes orthopedic, neurological, and postural tests. Once he’s found the source of your posture issues, he creates a treatment plan specific for you. Depending on your needs, he might recommend some combination of the following:

  • Spinal adjustments
  • In-office or at-home exercises
  • Stretching programs
  • Corrective tools

Dr. Khayal works closely with you to ensure that the treatment plan is getting results. He monitors your progress and makes adjustments as needed. 

If you’re tired of daily aches and pains and want to see what your body can do at maximum efficiency, come see us to get the advice and treatment you need. 

If you have more questions or would like to get started with a free consultation, give our North Dallas office a call today. 

Should you need, trigger point and joint injections are also available to help relieve pain and inflammation quickly. Ask about this during your next visit or call us for more information!

We serve those who live or work in Dallas and nearby cities including Lake Highlands, Highland Park, University Park, Preston Hollow, Far North Dallas, Addison, Richardson, Uptown and more.

Get In Touch

Premier Health Chiro Med

Call Us: (214) 265-9000

Visit Us: 9669 N Central Expy
Suite 200
Dallas, TX 75231

Office Hours

Monday: 8:00 AM – 1:00 PM & 3:00 – 6:00 PM
Tuesday: 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM & 3:00 – 6:00 PM
Wednesday: 8:00 AM – 1:00 PM & 3:00 – 6:00 PM
Thursday: 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM & 3:00 – 6:00 PM
Friday: 8:00 AM – 1:00 PM
Saturday: 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Sunday: Closed

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